The House of Aromas

Enter the wooden house and let yourself be carried away in an emotional experience! All your senses will be stimulated: sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch.

The aromatic Biosauna

Low temperature sauna (50-60 ° C) enriched by the benefits of aromatherapy

The hay bed

Here you can relax by reading a good book or listening to the sounds of nature, immersed in the scent of freshly harvested hay.

The swing room

Relaxing area with suspended beds, it is ideal for enjoying a herbal tea collected by us in the mountains, admiring, through a large window, the splendid profile of Monte Toraggio.

The plunge into the frost

Outside the cottage, the more daring guests can try to immerse themselves in the old wine vat, filled with frozen water.

Le nostre essenze disidratate

Ognuno può creare direttamente le proprie tisane, utilizzando erbe e fiori essiccati tipici del luogo.